So life decided that I was sleeping too peacefully. Life decided that I was a little bit too comfortable, so life decided to through me a little surprise party.
A party that was held in my bed.
With only bed bugs as the invited guests.
Now this "party" life has thrown me could be caused by the new digs us interns have recently found ourselves in this morning, or it could have been one of the two new interns we have staying with us tonight. The timing was too similar to know which one encouraged the addition of a few new friends in my bed. What do the "how"s matter anyway? Unless it's "how do I backtrack and erase this experience from my memory", I don't really think it's a question worth answering at the current local time of 3AM.
You win, life. I take it back; culture shock attained. I take it back.
I thought I had bed bugs last year, and the thought of bed bugs drove me so crazy that I escaped to India for 6 weeks. Turns out I didn't have bed bugs, but I never slept peacefully in that apartment again! However, most people I know who've experienced bed bugs DO recover, so I'm confident you'll be fine once you've washed everything several times and made good friends with your local exterminator! [shudder]